5 Everyday Household Items That Can Be Dangerously Toxic to Your Pets.

To show our appreciation for National Animal Poison Prevention Week, set to take place March 19-25, our team is here to shed light on the most frequent household items that are hazardous to pets.

#1: Medications

Food-motivated pups are particularly inclined to snatch dropped medications, pill bottles in guests’ luggage, or even raid the countertop. This can be exceptionally hazardous for pets since medicine overdoses have the potential to be fatal. So if your pet has ingested medication of any kind, don’t hesitate – contact an animal poison control hotline right away!

#2: Food

Your pet’s urge to investigate the kitchen can be truly tantalizing, but it contains many hazardous treats as well. Chocolate, avocados, macadamia nuts, xylitol, and other foods are likely to cause serious illnesses like kidney failure and seizures in animals if ingested. As a precautionary measure against counter-surfing pets that attempt culinary exploration on their own terms, consider investing in a locking trash bin – and keeping your furry family members far away from anything edible!

#3: Household chemicals

To protect your pet from any potential medical harm, make sure to store the following common household chemicals away securely and out of reach:

  • Cleaning products
  • Disinfectants
  • Aerosol air fresheners and other products
  • Candles
  • Antifreeze
  • Windshield washer fluid
  • Paint
  • Glue
  • Nail polish remover


#4: Houseplants

Are you aware that many of the houseplants we bring into our homes, as well as the fertilizers and chemicals used to nurture them, are highly toxic for your pets? Lilies, in particular, can be exceptionally dangerous to cats – coming in contact with just its pollen could even prove fatal! If you keep indoor plants inside your home, such as dieffenbachia, elephant ear, or spider plant, make sure they’re pet-safe before bringing them indoors. Outdoor plants like ivy and oleander also pose a risk, so check out ASPCA’s toxic plant list beforehand to ensure your blooms won’t endanger any of their lives.

#5: Batteries and coins

Poisons from metals lurking in the form of batteries and coins can be ingested by your pet, creating a potentially life-threatening situation. Not only are chemical burns possible if the battery is punctured during chewing, but it could become lodged as an intestinal blockage if swallowed whole. It’s important to remain vigilant when storing these items around pets!

If you think your pet has been in contact with a toxic substance, contact our team immediately.