Healthy Thanksgiving Treats for Pets


We know how much our pets love to join in the fun of Thanksgiving dinner! But, while it is nice to share, you need to be mindful of what you may be passing to your pet’s plate. While the whole family can enjoy some dishes, others should stay on the table. Threats of pancreatitis, gastrointestinal obstructions, or toxicities come into play when you sneak your four-legged friend bites from your plate. Avoid spending your Thanksgiving in an emergency veterinary hospital by opting for the following tasty, pet-safe alternatives:


  • Plain turkey breast — Dogs and bones are often paired together, but tossing your pooch a turkey leg is a big no-no. Instead, offer small bites of unseasoned turkey breast with skin, bones, and excess fat removed. 


  • Fresh veggies — Fresh vegetables, minus garlic and onions, are always an excellent healthy treat for your pet. When preparing your side dishes, save a few carrots, green beans, or broccoli chunks for your pet to nibble while your family enjoys casseroles, stuffings, and other side stuffed with veggies. 


  • Unseasoned mashed potatoes — While your typical mashed potatoes loaded with butter, milk, garlic, and other seasonings are off-limits for pets, plain mashed potatoes are perfectly acceptable in small portions. Before adding all the extras that make mashed potatoes delicious, save a bite or two that is free from seasonings and dairy products. Many pets are lactose-intolerant—including cats—and can vomit or develop diarrhea from milk.   


Make sure this holiday you keep your pets safe while still celebrating together. However, if your furry pal runs off with the turkey or digs through the trash for leftovers, contact us for help treating their gastrointestinal upset.